PROJECT: Responsive Web & Mobile Design ROLE: Concept, Research, Visuals DURATION: 2 months

Many pet owners struggle to find time to communicate with their vet clinic during regular work hours because they also work full-time jobs. With a passion for their pet and a desire to stay connected to their pet's health journey online, some pet owners may feel compelled to track their pet's progress or recommendations online through a user profile. Others may need an after-hours option to schedule appointments online without making a phone call. This responsive website will offer those key features and more to better serve customers and clinic employees.
Planning an approach to this VetPet Clinic responsive website, there were a few challenges the design and functionality needed to address and overcome for the best user experience.
1. Need to create an appointment scheduling workflow for authenticated users
2. Create new account registration and login process
3. Make it easy for pet owners to safely share and review information about their pets with their community

Personas developed after conducting phone interviews with pet owners and receptionists at various veterinarian clinics.
This project was completely focused on the pet owner as the primary user. After speaking with several individuals who visit different local vet clinics for pet care, I devised Mary's persona. She works full-time, and it is difficult for her to (remember to) make time to call the vet clinic for regular appointments. The design of the site will cater to Mary's needs by simplifying the appointment scheduling process by bypassing the need for a phone call; instead, the process can be completed online at any time of day.
Mary's User Story - Mary is a Senior IT Consultant who needs to schedule a health checkup for her senior dachshund, Pepper, because Mary does not have time to call in and wait to schedule an appointment during regular business hours.
I also mapped a secondary persona, Kai. His persona represents the individual in the veterinarian's office primarily be responsible for communicating with customers over the phone. By allowing pet owners to schedule appointments online, Kai may a) field fewer phone calls and b) spend more providing quality service to those who call for other reasons. With the new online appointment scheduling process, Kai will check the online appointment requests submitted and adding them appropriately to the veterinarian's calendar for confirmation -- a process he's already familiar with and does not struggle with day-to-day.
Kai's User Story - Kai is a receptionist in a veterinarian's office who needs complete registration forms prior to a pet’s appointment because it takes a lot of time to follow up with pet owners to gather needed information over the phone.
Ideate & create wireframe Sketches

Taking the insights learned from the usability study, I made the prioritized adjustments to the design for the three primary workflows, which were a) scheduling an appointment, b) viewing and sharing pet photos, and c) logging into a personalized space to view veterinarian's documents.
See the low-fi mockups below, which were used to gather comments from participants.

Low-fidelity wireframe developed in Adobe Xd.

Initial home screen design tested with users in research study.

First-round scheduling screen for VetPet responsive website.
A high-fidelity prototype was created in Adobe Xd, including tweaks to the design - specifically within the 'Scheduling An App' workflow - provided by research participants.

Check out the embedded website prototype of the final website design below.
Package for Development